I have been (sort of) indoctorated into shadcn/ui

    Published 2024-11-19









    Okay, I have to be honest here, I always never wanted to use UI libraries.

    I always liked how shadcn/ui, but I find myself to enjoy the work of laying down my own CSS and TS code and doing it myself. I don’t 100% know why, maybe creativity, maybe ego, but I always preferred to build these systems from the ground up. And I don’t plan on changing doing that. but….

    Okay, I have been using shadcn/ui in a few parts of MESAConnect.

    Although I find myself to enjoy creating UI (in fact, most of if not all elements, even the toast and modals have been programmed from scratch by yours truly), I decided to look into shadcn for a progress bar. Not because I don’t know how to create one, more that I feel progress has been slower on the project that I thought, and I feel I can focus on my own UI later.

    And a part of me is shocked I waited this long.

    There are small issues I have with it, particularly since my Windows and Bun don’t get along super well (mac had no problem)

    But I can’t lie, I think it looks sleek and might place it in a few spots with some modifications. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that as long as I don’t overdo or not modify it at all.

    Beta Version 3 should be out by the end of the month, and I aim and hope to speed up development when school ends in December. The good news is I am sitting at an A in Discrete Mathematics (I just got a 97 on my last test too 😊) and an A in Physics (i don’t know how to be honest)

    But I plan on updating this diary with development and life updates more. Having a blog to ramble and share my thoughts where I can revisit them later is something I love having around.

    shadcn/ui is cooler then I thought, I must admit. I don’t plan on using it constantly outside of elements I think look so good or that development is too lengthy (my admin dashboard looks like garbo and will probably temporarly use shadcn for ease of use since mine would be worse)

    but hello everybody that is enough about me, how was everyone elses day?
